OCTOBER 2023 - APRIL 2024


Our team’s first satellite was a 3-deciliter soda can-sized
so-called CanSat satellite, which we developed for the
accredited 2024 national CanSat competition.


About the competition

Building a satellite is a complex but very exciting
task. We built our first satellite for the Hungarian
Astronautical Society’s
2024 CanSat competition.
The top 10 projects, including OnionSAT, had their
satellites launched by the BME Suborbitals rocket
team to an altitude of about 1.5 kilometers.


CanSat: Constant learning.

Building a satellite is cool, but satellite building is not just for geeks.
The competition primarily targets STEM students, but
every helping hand is welcome! Even without prior technical
experience, we managed to build a satellite. From soldering to marketing
and other soft skills, every skill required for the competition
and relevant in a market-driven project can be learned here.


Our satellite

During the development of our CanSat, we focused on durability.
We managed to create a satellite that far exceeded the
original safety and durability requirements. Our satellite
can also be used for meteorological purposes, as it is capable
of investigating jet streams.


At the competition

Our satellite was selected among the top 10 teams, and it
was launched with the Athena rocket built by BME Suborbitals.
Our satellite reached an altitude of 1 kilometer, successfully completing
the mission. Our team received a technological special prize
for our project.



We had to prepare numerous documents for our satellite
during the project, which you can view by clicking the button below.
